Globe Media Asia (South Eastern Globe Communications Ltd.) came to be in 2007 with the launch of
its flagship publication, Southeast Asia Globe.
In our early days, we had a small team of four that was responsible for the entire production of Cambodia’s first international-standard magazine. Starting off in a small, one-window room, the team quickly made strides in bringing thoroughly researched and written, richly illustrated English-language journalism to Cambodia. As the country developed rapidly, our team expanded to 18 today, with some reporting from other Southeast Asian countries.
We soon branched out into additional magazines, events, digital content production, social media platforms, weekly newsletters and custom publishing. Other publications cover Cambodia’s business environment (Focus Cambodia) and its constantly growing premium travel market (Discover Cambodia); We continue to create tailor-made magazines for organizations and businesses with high expectations to their communication materials such as inflight magazines, property promotions and high-end corporate materials.
From the beginning, we have set out to provide fresh perspectives and forward-thinking views on important developments. We aim to make our content accessible, so whether it is digging for the untold story, seeking out up-and-coming artists or connecting with enigmatic business leaders – our readers are at the heart of it all. Our commitment to connecting our readers and members to what matters is the driving force throughout all of our work, as we develop into becoming a recognized voice on Southeast Asia in the world.
In 2019 we made a significant pivot from print and online to digital publishing only for our lead publication, Southeast Asia Globe. Our flagship publication has introduced a member-driven journalism platform providing high-level content covering the issues that matter in Southeast Asia, targeting readers all over the world with a keen interest in what is happening in the region. A year later, we already reach 20.000 members from over 60 countries via our weekly Sightlines newsletter. Join us now and become a part of the story!
In May 2020 we lauched a news site focusing on health & personal healthcare, finance, education and a sustainable lifestyle targeting Cambodia’s upcoming generation of engaged and environmentally conscious consumers. Focus – Ready for Tomorrow aims to become the most trusted source of information for readers who are seeking advice and orientation on a range of topics important to them and their future. With a team of Cambodian and international journalists and a decade of experience in the market, we provide highly credible, fact-checked and relevant knowledge on the topics and issues that matter tomorrow.